Tilburg elementary schools visit Achmea Bank

Monday 03 June 2024

At Achmea, we like to contribute to the financial education of young people. This helps build the basis for financial readiness and self-reliance - now and later - and contributes to a society in which everyone can participate.

That's why throughout the year we give guest lectures 'Bank voor de klas', an initiative of the Dutch Banking Association (NVB) and 21 Dutch banks, and once a year we open our doors for 'Class in the Bank'. On Friday, May 31, it was that time again. At our location in Tilburg, we welcomed group 7 of De Borne and group 8 of De Boemerang, two elementary schools based in Tilburg.

Over 50 enthusiastic children played the Cash Quiz, accompanied by the 'teachers-for-a-day' Miranda van Hooff, Danny de Klerk and Ward Kalb. This was followed by a tour of our building, including a quick visit to the board meeting and a visit to the 22nd floor with its amazing view of Tilburg and its surroundings.

Around noon the children and their supervisors left for school much wiser and very satisfied. It was again a pleasure to organize this. We are looking forward to next year.
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