Mark Geubbels to leave Achmea Bank as a director

Mark Geubbels will step down as (statutory) Director of Finance & Risk at Achmea Bank. He has been appointed Director of Balance Management at Achmea. Mark will remain at Achmea Bank until his successor takes office, expected in January 2025. At that time, he will formally start at Balance Management.
Daphne de Kluis, member of Achmea's Executive Board: "Mark has made a significant contribution to the development of Achmea Bank since 2016, as an important part of Achmea's strategy in the field of Retirement Services. In addition, Mark has led Achmea Bank's balance sheet optimisation and, as a member of the Asset and Liability Committee, helped steer Achmea's balance sheet management as a whole. His new position fits in seamlessly with this. We thank Mark for his valuable contribution to Achmea Bank and wish him every success and pleasure in his new role."
Further information will follow as soon as more is known about Mark's succession at Achmea Bank.
Further information will follow as soon as more is known about Mark's succession at Achmea Bank.