Achmea Bank issues € 500 million of senior preferred green bonds

Achmea Bank N.V. has successfully issued € 500 million Senior preferred green bonds. The transaction was received well in the capital markets. It is the inaugural issuance of Achmea Bank under Achmea’s updated Green Finance Framework (GFF), dated July 2024.
The green senior bond has a maturity of 3 years. The bond has been placed with a 75 basis point spread over the 3-year mid swap rate, against a price of 99.867% with a coupon of 2.75%. The total orderbook was € 2.7 billion with 170 investors participating. An amount similar to the net proceeds of the bond will be used to finance projects in accordance with Achmea’s GFF.
The green senior bond is rated A- by S&P and A by Fitch and will be listed on Euronext Dublin as per 10 December 2024. The bond has been placed by a syndicate of banks, consisting of joint lead managers Deutsche Bank, DZ BANK, ING, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Rabobank, Santander and as co manager Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale.
The Notes have been issued under the Achmea Bank N.V. € 10 billion Debt Issuance Programme, dated 26 November 2024: European Medium Term Notes Programme - Achmea Bank
The green senior bond is rated A- by S&P and A by Fitch and will be listed on Euronext Dublin as per 10 December 2024. The bond has been placed by a syndicate of banks, consisting of joint lead managers Deutsche Bank, DZ BANK, ING, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Rabobank, Santander and as co manager Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale.
The Notes have been issued under the Achmea Bank N.V. € 10 billion Debt Issuance Programme, dated 26 November 2024: European Medium Term Notes Programme - Achmea Bank