Sustainable business operations
- Carbon emissions (our carbon footprint) will be net zero. Remaining carbon emissions will, after all measures taken, be compensated for 40 years through large-scale reforestation.
- Energy usage (electricity and gas) in our buildings and datacenters will be minimized, looking for possibilities to generate our own energy locally.
- We will acquire 100% of our product and materials in a circular and energy efficient way.
Achmea Bank is contributing to this by taking various measures in the coming years:
- Our Tilburg location will be energy-neutral by 2030;
- At all locations we will replace the fluorescent lighting with LED lighting.
- We are strengthening biodiversity at our Tilburg site: the Tivoli city garden redesigned into a biodiverse garden, with more greenery and space for insects while retaining the characteristic elements of the existing garden;
- Focusing on more sustainable and less traffic mobility.
- Reducing paper-usage and separating waste.
- Measures against climate change in procurement, in collaboration with our partners/suppliers.
- Making for a greener environment around our locations by sharing knowledge, supporting local projects and stimulating innovations.
Environmental policy internal business operations
Carbon footprint
Emissions from internal business operations are measured by Achmea Group’s Facility Management. In the past years Achmea has made great improvements to measuring and reducing emissions from activities such as energy usage of office buildings, mobility and waste management.
In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), the carbon footprint is expressed in different Scope categories. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from own sources or sources that are controlled by Achmea. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy and/or services. Scope 3 emissions are all relevant indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) connected to our business operations that occur in Achmea’s footprint of our employees’ commuter mileage.
Operational emissions
We measure the carbon footprint of our energy use, mobility, coolants use, paper consumption, waste and outsourced servers. CO₂ emissions for Achmea Netherlands are measured excluding third-party. However, third party companies are included in the calculation of the carbon footprint from the consumption of gas (scope 1) and electricity (scope 2). Please view Supplement B of Achmea’s Annual Report for more information on the measured emissions as well as used emission factors. To account for our contribution of Achmea’s total operational emissions we distribute the emissions based on the 216 FTEs at Achmea Bank. In 2023 this amounted to an operational carbon footprint of 0.4 kt CO₂e (2022: 0.4 kt) or 2,212 kg CO₂e per FTE (2022: 2,111 kg).
Operational emissions targets
Achmea aims to achieve fully sustainable and climate-neutral business operations by 2030. In tangible terms, this means that as of 2030 the carbon footprint of our business operations will be net-zero. We will accomplish this by reducing our emissions as much as possible and offsetting the remainder of our carbon emissions through large-scale reforestation. The target for our business operations is based on our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. To realise this, we are:
- Cutting energy consumption in our buildings and data centres
- Reducing the number of journeys our employees make and making their travel more sustainable
- Cutting paper consumption
- Separating our waste wherever possible
- Conducting sustainable procurement (energy-efficient and circular)
Reducing energy usage buildings and data centers
Goal carbon reduction energy usage building: in 2024, 2025 and 2030 we will reduce our carbon emissions (compared to 2019) with 49%, 49% and 57% respectively.
Reducing the number of journeys our employees make and making their travel more sustainable
We strive for a CO₂-reduction in traffic mobility: in 2024, 2025 and 2030 a reduction of these CO₂-emissions (compared to 2019) by 55%, 57% and 76% respectively.
Separating waste
Reducing paper-usage
Socially responsible procurement
As a part of socially responsible procurement Achmea wants insight in the sustainability performances of our suppliers. EcoVadis is one of the tools we use to do so, a platform to rate and follow suppliers regarding corporate social responsibility.
Achmea’s sustainability goals play an important role during procurement process and are part of the criteria for selection new suppliers.
In addition Achmea uses the Declaration of sustainability for suppliers (dutch only) as part of the procurement agreement. Product and service specific agreements between the supplier and Achmea are also secured in the agreement.